About the project

The project defalsi-AI aims to identify false information with the help of artificial intelligence. The focus is on the development of media-forensic tools, which are due to be utilised by a wide user base. The project especially addresses politically-motivated false information, which can and often does undermine trust in democracy.

The main research focus of defalsif-AI (detection of false information via artificial intelligence) is on audio-visual media forensics, text analysis, and the fusion of these technologies with the help of AI. A lot of attention is paid to the transparent and interpretable presentation of results – the final decision if contents are “wrong” or not still lies with the users.

The goal is to demonstrate a valid tool for the analysis of digital contents online which allows a first evaluation of texts, images, videos or audio clips for validity and authenticity. The creates the groundwork for further action.

The project also includes an analysis and assessment of the of media-forensic tools from the legal and sociological perspective. Defalsif-Ai is rounded off with the derivation of application oriented, technical and organisational measures as well as a plan of usage for the future use of legally justified disinformation analysis platforms.

The project is funded by the ministry for Finance (BMF) within the KIRAS Security Research programme, and carried out by the Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG).

Facts & Figures


Members of consortium


months of project duration


work packages


The project is funded by the ministry for Finance (BMF) within the KIRAS Security Research programme, and carried out by the Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG).

Milestones - From  project proposal to completion

business 1
Project start 10/2020

Define and specify scenarios of requirements

business 2
Iterative conception 02/2021

Proof of concept – conception

business 3
Demonstration 09/2021

Proof of concept – iterative demonstration

business 4
Evaluation 07/2022

Proof of concept – evaluation

Research: What defalsif-AI is all about (Video: YouTube)

Documents for Download

Handout - Facts & Figures on project defalsif-AI Handout - defalsif-AI PDF/1 MB

For questions on the website, please send an email to the editorial department. If you have questions about the content of the study, please email project management.

Please note: All processing activities concerning personal data carried out within the framework of the research project defalsif-AI are based on § 2d Abs 2 Research Organisational Act (Forschungsorganisationsgesetz).